I started on my brooch bouquet last week and little did I know, it would be SO time consuming. I dont know if its because I want it to be PERFECT or if I was nervous with making it. WHATEVER the case, it's extremely time consuming (which I dont mind). Remember what I started off with?
Well they have been taken apart, stemmed and wrapped.
Remember the bracelets?
They are going to be great as fillers of the bouquet.
Right now, I have a total of 22 that are done, including the fillers. I have been going back and forward about maybe putting silk flowers in the bouquet, but I really dont know. I kinda didn't want to have any flowers in the equation, but I am playing with the thought. I have a few more that came in the mail yesterday, so I am going to stem and wrap them and then start my search for more. I will be back on I am ready to continue on to the next step, which is creating the bouquet. If you would like to see the original post I wrote, click me! Let me know what your thoughts are!