
Back to planning FINALLY!

Monday, January 16, 2012

So, it's been over a year since I have posted anything here, or even continued planning for that manner.  But time has crept up on me and we are at the 1 year, 8 month point so its about that time!  I have a dress, but of course, I am not sure if that's the one.  I work in a bridal salon, so we have a particular dress that scheduled to be in our store next month (February) and I am super excited to see how it looks on me *crossing fingers*.   

UPDATE: (03.02.12) I totally GOT the dress and I LOVE it!!!!

So here's to a new year of brighter days and long nights of planning!  I hope to achieve everything that I would like to have done.  Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated, so dont be afraid to chime in!

Talk to you soon!