
My Thoughts ♥ Headbands

Friday, March 30, 2012

I have been SCOURING the internet in search of the perfect headband to wear for the renewal and either its not really what I had in mind or I find it and the prices are CRAZY ASTRONOMICAL!!!  I am not a tiara girl simply because of the dress style and its just really not me (I know, hard to believe).

What I have in mind is something EXTREMELY close to this. (oh gosh, this is beautiful)

 (picture courtesy of MillieICARO on Etsy)

But with all of the love and the beautiful craftsmanship and delicate materials used in this, comes a pretty hefty price of $285.  My dress was about $1200 (after my employee discount), so I really dont want to put that much of an investment into a headpiece.  

So I have decided to embark on the journey to (attempt to) create my own headband.  What better reason to head back out to crafts stores (which I love)?  I have it perfectly mapped out in my head the colors I want and a concept, but not necessarily how I want it to look.  The above pictured headband is SO close and if we weren't paying for this ourselves, then of course, I would splurge.  But I think the dress set me WAY over the limit of what I wanted to indulge on me for this thing!  I still have to consider jewelry and shoes.  Luckily, I am my own hairdresser and makeup artist for that day, lol!  

Here are a few more pictures of some headbands that I like, all from Etsy!

Zara Bella Couture, $69.95 (very reasonable)

Live In Style, $36 (who can beat this price)

We shall see what exactly the endeavor will bring.  Worst Case Scenario?  Caving in and buying one of these!  Once I begin, you know I will let you know!  I have already started getting some of the brooches for my brooch bouquet, which I plan on starting really soon.  

See you guys soon!

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